how to summon sitri

How to Summon Sitri - Ritual of the Terra Incognita Coven

Written by: WOA Team



Time to read 5 min

Harnessing Love's Power: The Art of Invoking Demon Prince Sitri

Engaging with the ritual of how to summon Sitri, a distinguished entity within demonological lore, necessitates profound respect for ancient esoteric practices. This guide is meticulously crafted to concentrate solely on the uplifting aspects of Sitri's influence, aiming to ensure that practitioners forge a connection with his energies positively and enlighteningly. It outlines a series of well-defined steps, emphasizing the critical importance of thorough preparation, precise timing, and the observance of traditional ceremonial respect. By following this guide, you will be equipped to conduct a ritual that is not only safe and respectful but also conducive to personal growth and enlightenment through Sitri's unique energies.

How to summon Sitri

Who is Sitri?

In the annals of occult tradition, Sitri is celebrated as a potent spirit, commanding respect and acknowledgment in the spiritual hierarchy. Often associated with the spheres of love, passion, and seduction, he transcends these attributes by offering profound insights into the mysteries of the heart. When approached with honor and clear intentions, Sitri's influence is channeled towards unveiling profound truths, enhancing an individual's magnetism, and facilitating a deeper understanding of relational dynamics. This section elaborates on his historical reverence, the symbolism of his sigil, and the enlightened approach needed to engage with his energy, ensuring a connection that honors his powerful essence while focusing on the positive transformations he can inspire.

In Which Cases Can You Use the Positive Powers of Sitri

The beneficial aspects of Sitri's powers are particularly advantageous in scenarios requiring enhanced emotional intelligence, interpersonal clarity, and the deepening of personal connections. His energies are sought after for cultivating love, fostering understanding in relationships, amplifying personal attractiveness, and revealing concealed truths within personal interactions. This segment expands on the specific circumstances where invoking Sitri can lead to positive outcomes, such as strengthening bonds, attracting love, or facilitating self-discovery and empowerment in personal and social spheres.

Best Day and Hour for the Ritual

Timing Is Key

The effectiveness of the summoning ritual is significantly influenced by aligning it with the optimal celestial timings. This part delves into the astrological underpinnings of the ritual, emphasizing why Friday, the day dedicated to Venus, and the planetary hour of Venus are most auspicious for conducting the summoning. It explains how these timings synergize with Sitri’s energies, enhancing the ritual's potential to connect with the realms of love, beauty, and harmony, thereby magnifying the positive aspects of his presence.


Creating a Sacred Space

The ambiance and environment are pivotal to the success of the ritual. This section is expanded to include detailed instructions on preparing your ritual space, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness, energetic purification, and the arrangement of sacred objects to create a conducive atmosphere. It also provides suggestions on how to personalize the space to resonate with Sitri’s energy, incorporating elements that align with his essence and your intentions, thereby facilitating a deeper spiritual connection.


Mental and Spiritual Readiness

The preparatory phase is crucial for aligning your inner state with the ritual's demands. This expanded section offers comprehensive guidance on mental and spiritual exercises to enhance your focus, purify your intentions, and elevate your consciousness. It includes techniques for meditation, energy cleansing, and setting a protective boundary, ensuring that you approach the summoning with a balanced and respectful mindset, fully attuned to the ritual’s sacred nature.

Items Needed

Essential Ritual Implements

Here, the list of necessary items is elaborated upon, detailing not only their practical aspects but also their symbolic significance. The section provides insights into how each item — from the steel altar tile engraved with Sitri’s sigil to the specific candle colors and incense scents — contributes to the ritual’s effectiveness. It discusses the vibrational alignment of these items with Sitri's energy and how they facilitate a harmonious connection during the summoning.

The Best Offerings for Sitri

Honoring the Demonic Prince

This part offers an expanded view on the types of offerings that resonate with Sitri, explaining the significance of each offering in establishing a rapport with him. It suggests a variety of offerings that symbolize respect, appreciation, and understanding of Sitri’s qualities, and discusses how these offerings can enhance the ritual's atmosphere, creating a reciprocal exchange of energy that honors the spirit’s essence and fosters a positive interaction.

The Mantra to Call This Demon

Invoking Sitri

The invocation segment now includes a deeper exploration of the mantra’s linguistic and vibrational importance, providing a clearer understanding of how the sounds and resonances of the mantra can align your energy with Sitri’s. It offers guidance on the pronunciation, rhythm, and emotional focus required to effectively chant the mantra, enhancing the practitioner’s ability to establish a profound connection with the demon. Mantra: SHARA MIKA ROTO NAI NE GAKA SITRI SHAME REKO SHANTI NAI

How to Make the Wish

Articulating Your Desires

This expanded section provides detailed instructions on formulating your intentions and desires, emphasizing the importance of clarity, focus, and emotional sincerity. It guides you through the process of visualizing your wishes, aligning your emotions with your intent, and directing this energy towards the sigil, ensuring that your request is communicated with precision and is in harmony with Sitri’s energies for the highest good.

Closing the Ritual

Concluding the Ceremony

The closing of the ritual is now described with additional details on the significance of each step, from expressing gratitude to Sitri to the ceremonial extinguishing of the candles and the clearing of the space. It emphasizes the importance of energetically sealing the ritual, ensuring a clear demarcation of the sacred space and the return to ordinary consciousness, safeguarding the practitioner's spiritual well-being.

After the Ritual

Reflecting on the Experience

This section is enriched with advice on post-ritual practices, including journaling, reflection, and the observation of any subtle shifts in your environment or inner state. It suggests ways to integrate the experience into your spiritual journey, encouraging mindfulness of the changes that may unfold following the ritual, and how to interpret and nurture the seeds of transformation sown during the summoning.

terra incognita school of magic

Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

Terra Incognita school of magic

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