summon lilith

How to Summon Lilith - Ritual of the Terra Incognita Coven

Written by: WOA Team



Time to read 7 min

Lilith Unveiled: Mastering the Ancient Art of Summoning the Rebel Queen

The invocation of Lilith, a figure shrouded in mystery and laden with historical significance, is a ritual that connects with the primal aspects of the feminine divine and the shadow self. Lilith's mythology spans various cultures, often representing a figure of independence, strength, and unbridled freedom. This guide to summon Lilith provides an in-depth exploration of the ritual to summon Lilith, focusing on respectful engagement with her energy. The practitioner embarks on a journey to understand deeper aspects of the self, challenge existing paradigms, and embrace the transformative power of Lilith’s essence. This ritual is profound, demanding clarity of intention, courage, and a profound respect for the energies involved. It’s designed for those who seek to tap into the ancient, wild, and liberating currents that Lilith embodies, ensuring that every step is approached with mindfulness and a deep sense of reverence.

Who is Lilith?

Lilith's lore is rich and complex, often associated with the night, the untamed natural world, and the empowerment of the feminine. She is hailed as a symbol of sovereignty, sexual freedom, and the refusal to submit to authority that diminishes one's spirit. Historically, Lilith has been depicted as a figure who defies the conventional, challenging norms and asserting her will against oppressive structures. She embodies the dark moon, the hidden aspects of the feminine, and the power of the untamed wilderness. Her energy is that of transformation, confronting fears, and embracing one’s full, undiluted truth. Summoning Lilith is about connecting with this raw, unfiltered essence, seeking liberation, wisdom, and the strength to stand in one’s power, unapologetically and fiercely.

In Which Cases Can You Use the Positive Powers of Lilith

Engaging with Lilith's energies is particularly potent for those seeking to reclaim their autonomy, explore the depths of their sexuality, or confront the shadows within. Her spirit is invoked for empowerment, healing from repression, and breaking free from societal or self-imposed limitations. Lilith’s presence can be transformative for individuals looking to embrace their inner truth, assert boundaries, and explore the darker, unexplored aspects of their psyche. She is also a beacon for those on a path of shadow work, facilitating deep introspection, the healing of wounds related to oppression or silencing, and the cultivation of personal strength and resilience. Engaging with Lilith can be a profound act of reclaiming one’s power, challenging outdated paradigms, and embarking on a path of fierce independence and self-realization.

Best Day and Hour for the Ritual to Summon Lilith

Timing the ritual to align with Lilith’s energy is crucial. The most potent times are during the dark moon phase, symbolizing Lilith’s connection to the unseen and the hidden aspects of the self. Nighttime hours, especially after midnight, resonate deeply with her energies, reflecting her association with the night and the darker aspects of the psyche. Wednesdays can be significant due to their association with Mercury, a planet linked to communication and the traversal between worlds, aligning with Lilith’s role as a bridge between the seen and unseen. The witching hour, traditionally seen as 3 AM, is also potent, a time when the veil between worlds is thin, and Lilith’s energy can be more easily accessed. This period enhances the ritual’s connection to the mystical, facilitating a deeper communion with Lilith’s spirit.


The space for summoning Lilith should be one of comfort, power, and respect for the feminine divine. It should be a place where you feel uninhibited and free to express your innermost desires and fears. The altar or ritual space can be adorned with symbols of Lilith, such as representations of owls, serpents, or the dark moon, and items that resonate with her energy like red or black candles, dark crystals, and natural elements. Creating a boundary with salt or protective symbols can be wise, as it establishes a sacred, contained space for the ritual, ensuring that the energies summoned are managed respectfully and safely.


Preparing for the ritual involves aligning your mental and emotional state with the intentions of the summoning. This can include meditation focused on Lilith’s archetypal energy, contemplating your reasons for calling upon her, and what you seek to learn or resolve. Emotional readiness is key, as engaging with Lilith can stir deep, intense emotions and revelations. Cleansing your space energetically, perhaps with smoke or sound, ensures a clear, receptive environment. Personal preparation might also involve embodying aspects of Lilith you wish to connect with, such as autonomy, sensuality, or defiance, perhaps through personal rituals, affirmations, or embodying her energy in a way that feels aligned with your intentions.

Items Needed

For a ritual summoning Lilith, specific items that resonate with her energy are used to facilitate a connection:

  • Sigil of Lilith: Central to the ritual, focusing the practitioner’s intention and energy.
  • Candles: Dark, preferably black or red, symbolizing the deep, primal aspects of Lilith and the womb of creation.
  • Incense: Scents like patchouli, sandalwood, or myrrh can invoke the sensual, earthy, and mystical aspects of Lilith.
  • Offerings: Items that honor Lilith’s essence, such as pomegranates, red wine, or items symbolic of her independence and strength.

These items are charged with your intention and used to create a sacred space that resonates with Lilith’s energy, aiding in bridging the realms between the practitioner and the deity.

The Best Offerings for Lilith

Offerings to Lilith should reflect acknowledgment and respect for her attributes:

  1. Pomegranates: Symbolic of the underworld and deep knowledge, connecting to myths of the feminine divine.
  2. Red Wine: Represents the blood of life, passion, and the celebration of Lilith’s vitality and power.
  3. Black Stones: Such as obsidian or onyx, symbolizing protection, grounding, and connection to the earth.
  4. Personal Artifacts: Items that represent your personal journey of independence, self-discovery, or rebellion.
  5. Water: Symbolizing the intuitive, fluid, and adaptable aspects of the feminine.
  6. Incense: Burning herbs or resins that correspond with Lilith’s dark, earthy, and transformative nature.
  7. Mirror: Reflecting the self, truth, and the aspects of Lilith within the practitioner.
  8. Feathers or Wings: Symbolizing Lilith’s association with the night and her role as a figure of freedom.
  9. Erotic Images or Symbols: Representing the embrace of sexuality, sensuality, and the body's sacredness.

The offerings should be made with intention, reflecting a genuine connection to Lilith’s energy and an understanding of her symbolism and historical significance.

The Mantra to Call This Demon

Chanting or invoking Lilith typically involves mantras or phrases that resonate with her energy, often drawing on ancient texts or personal invocations that embody her essence. The chosen words should be recited with conviction and a deep understanding of their meaning, reflecting the transformative and liberating energy Lilith embodies. The repetition of her name or titles, combined with personal affirmations or requests, can help facilitate a deep connection, allowing the practitioner to tap into the primal, untamed aspects of their psyche that resonate with Lilith’s spirit. Mantra: MINAI LILITH GIKO RASHAME TARADO TAKOTE NANE DO

How to Make the Wish

Articulating your intention or desire to Lilith should be done with utmost clarity and honesty, reflecting a deep understanding of what you seek to achieve or understand through the ritual. This expression is a profound affirmation of your personal journey and an invitation for Lilith to guide, empower, or transform aspects of your life. The request should be made boldly and respectfully, acknowledging Lilith’s power and the mutual respect that underpins this sacred exchange.

Closing the Ritual

Closing the ritual is crucial for ensuring the energy raised is properly managed and that the connection with Lilith is respectfully concluded. A closing statement, expressing gratitude to Lilith for her presence and any insights or empowerment received, helps to seal the ritual. Clearing the space afterward, perhaps with smoke or sound, and dismantling the altar if temporary, ensures that the practitioner's environment returns to its usual state, grounded and cleared of the intense energies involved in the summoning.

After the Ritual

After the ritual, it’s important to ground yourself, reflect on the experience, and integrate any insights or changes into your life. Documenting the experience, noting any immediate effects, and observing subsequent changes in your personal or spiritual practice can offer valuable insights. Engaging in self-care, staying grounded, and allowing yourself time to process the ritual’s impact are essential steps in fully integrating the powerful energies and transformations that can occur when connecting with Lilith’s spirit.

terra incognita school of magic

Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

Terra Incognita school of magic

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More about Lilith