summon bael

How to Summon Bael - Ritual of the Terra Incognita Coven

Written by: WOA Team



Time to read 7 min

The Art of the Occult: Secrets of Bael’s Power Unlocked with this guide to summon Bael

Summoning Bael, a prominent figure in ancient demonology, is a ritual steeped in mystique and power. Recognized as one of the kings of Hell, Bael's name is often first in the litany of demonic entities, symbolizing his significant stature in the infernal hierarchy. This guide to summon Bael delves into the nuanced procedure of summoning Bael, presenting a detailed roadmap for practitioners who seek to connect with his formidable essence. Embracing this ritual demands a profound respect for the ancient traditions from which it originates, alongside a clear understanding of the intentions and commitments involved. Engaging with Bael is about seeking mastery over one’s circumstances, uncovering hidden wisdom, or harnessing the primal forces he embodies. This comprehensive guide is crafted to ensure a respectful, informed, and conscientious approach to the summoning, providing clarity and insight into each step of the ritual process.

Who is Bael?

Bael, traditionally regarded as one of the principal kings of Hell, commands significant respect and authority in the demonic hierarchy. Described in grimoires like the Lesser Key of Solomon, Bael is said to appear in various forms – sometimes as a man, a cat, a toad, or combinations thereof, or even with all three heads simultaneously. He is known for his ability to make his summoner invisible and to impart wisdom regarding the past, present, and future. Bael’s faculties extend to commanding legions of spirits and granting the ability to communicate with animals. His representation often includes subtle elements of his dominion over the Earth, showcasing his connection with the natural world and its creatures. The summoning of Bael, therefore, is not only an invocation of his presence but also a call to the ancient and profound energies he personifies, reflecting the complexities of nature, spirit, and the arcane.

In Which Cases Can You Use the Positive Powers of Bael

Summoning Bael is particularly sought for gaining influence, protection, and the ability to discern hidden messages within the natural world. His powers are often invoked to attain a commanding presence, wisdom in decision-making, or insights into the mysteries of the universe. Bael’s guidance can be pivotal for those looking to enhance their leadership qualities, develop stronger willpower, or gain the foresight and strategic advantage in various aspects of life. His connection with the natural elements also makes him a potent ally for those wishing to deepen their relationship with the natural world, learning the silent language of animals, or seeking protection from the spirits of the earth. Engaging with Bael’s spirit is especially beneficial for those who aim to harness their inner strength, assert their presence in the world, and understand the deeper, often hidden, layers of reality.

Best Day and Hour for the Ritual to Summon Bael

Choosing the right timing for the ritual is crucial to align with Bael’s energy, enhancing the connection and effectiveness of the summoning. Traditionally, the best times to conduct such rituals are during the hours of Mars or Saturn, reflecting Bael's warrior-like nature and his dominion over time, respectively. These planetary hours are associated with strength, authority, and the uncovering of hidden knowledge. The most auspicious days are typically Tuesday or Saturday, aligning with the energies of Mars for courage and conflict, and Saturn for structure, order, and long-term manifestations. Performing the ritual during the waxing moon can also amplify the intentions, drawing upon the moon’s growing energy to increase personal power, protection, and the revealing of secrets.


The environment for the Bael summoning should be arranged to foster a sense of power, authority, and connection to the natural world. The space must be quiet, secure, and imbued with symbols representing Bael’s dominion—such as earthy elements, sigils, or representations of animals. This setting should resonate with the energy of Bael, prepared with respect and attention to detail, ensuring that all elements are conducive to focusing the will and intention of the practitioner. The ritual space is a crucible for transformation, reflecting the inner resolve and the external commitment to the process.


Preparation for the ritual involves both physical and spiritual readiness. Mental fortitude is required to align with Bael’s intense energy, necessitating meditation, reflection on one’s intentions, and perhaps even fasting to purify the body and spirit. The practitioner should cultivate a state of openness and respect, balanced with the inner strength necessary to engage with a being of Bael’s power. Ritual tools and symbols should be consecrated, and protective measures, such as casting a circle or invoking protective spirits, can be employed to ensure a safe and sacred space for the summoning.

Items Needed

To facilitate a connection with Bael, certain items resonating with his essence are recommended:

  • Sigil of Bael: Acts as a focal point for the ritual, channeling Bael’s presence and facilitating communication.
  • Candles: Preferably black or red, symbolizing mastery, power, and the vitality of blood or life force.
  • Incense: Scents like frankincense, myrrh, or dragon’s blood can be used to honor Bael and create a conducive atmosphere for the ritual.
  • Offerings: Traditional offerings might include items symbolic of the earth or harvest, reflecting Bael’s connection to the natural world.

These ritual components serve to align the practitioner’s intentions with Bael’s energies, enhancing the effectiveness of the summoning and the clarity of communication.

The Best Offerings for Bael

Offerings are a crucial element of the ritual, showing reverence and recognition of Bael’s power:

  1. Natural Elements: Offering earth, stones, or crystals can connect the ritual to Bael’s dominion over the Earth.
  2. Harvest Offerings: Grains, fruits, or other harvest symbols can acknowledge Bael’s association with abundance and fertility.
  3. Blood or Meat Offerings: Symbolically representing life force and vitality, aligning with the primal aspects of Bael.
  4. Alcoholic Beverages: Spirits or wine can be used as libations, honoring the spirit’s influence and invoking ancient hospitality rites.
  5. Candles or Fires: Lighting candles or a fire can attract Bael’s attention, symbolizing enlightenment and sacrifice.
  6. Incense: Burning potent incense can purify the space, elevate the energies, and please the spirit.
  7. Metallic Offerings: Iron or steel items, reflecting strength, resilience, and the martial aspects associated with Bael.
  8. Artistic Representations: Images or statues that resonate with Bael’s symbolic manifestations, honoring his presence.
  9. Chants or Songs: Vocal offerings can be used to praise Bael, aligning the ritual’s vibrations with his energy.
  10. Written Contracts or Pacts: Symbolizing commitments, intentions, or desires, presented respectfully to seek Bael’s favor or guidance.

Each offering should be chosen thoughtfully, resonating with the practitioner’s intentions and the nature of Bael, enhancing the sacredness and effectiveness of the ritual.

The Mantra to Call This Demon

A specific chant or incantation, often derived from ancient texts or inspired by Bael’s attributes, is recited to invoke his presence. This mantra should be articulated with clear intent, resonating with the energies of authority, strength, and the primal forces that Bael embodies. The vibrational quality of the chant facilitates a connection with Bael, aligning the summoner’s will with the spirit’s powerful essence. It’s crucial to maintain a focused and respectful mindset throughout the recitation, ensuring the words are imbued with the practitioner's sincere desire for engagement. Mantra: MIKATA BAEL SINE TO REKA DASHATE MINA GOKA RENA DATE

How to Make the Wish

Presenting your request to Bael involves clarity, sincerity, and the alignment of your will with your stated intention. It should be articulated with conviction, directly addressing Bael and stating the purpose of the summoning with honesty and respect. The practitioner must be prepared to handle the potent energies involved, remaining grounded in their purpose and open to the insights or assistance Bael may provide. This direct communication is a pivotal moment, reflecting the summoner's readiness to engage with the powerful forces at play.

Closing the Ritual

Concluding the ritual properly is essential for respectfully dismissing Bael’s presence while ensuring the practitioner's safety and the sanctity of the practice. A closing statement, thanking Bael for his attendance and any insights provided, should be clearly pronounced, marking the end of the ritual. This formal closure helps to reestablish the ordinary boundaries of the practitioner's space, sealing the ritual's energy and ensuring that all opened gateways are properly closed.

After the Ritual

Post-ritual practices involve grounding oneself, reflecting on the experience, and integrating any received insights or changes. Journaling about the ritual, noting any immediate effects, and monitoring subsequent shifts in one’s environment or personal sphere are crucial for understanding the ritual’s impact. Engaging in grounding activities, reaffirming protective measures, and maintaining a clear, focused mind are recommended to process and stabilize the energies encountered during the summoning.

terra incognita school of magic

Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

Terra Incognita school of magic

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More about Bael