goetic demons

Goetic Demons

Written by: White Cloud



Time to read 11 min

Goetic Demons: Unveiling the Mysteries of Supernatural Entities

The Goetic Demons, as listed in the Lesser Key of Solomon, comprise a host of 72 entities. They form a complex hierarchy within the demonology, embodying various elements of the universe, each with its distinct nature, symbol, and powers. From the grand King Baal to the lesser known entities, each spirit presents a rich tapestry of lore and symbolism that echoes the manifold facets of human existence. 

Brace yourself for a captivating adventure that delves into the depths of the supernatural. Are you ready to unveil the secrets of the Goetic Demons?

Goetic Demons: The Gateway to Unknown Wisdom

The Goetic Demons, though feared for their reputed malevolence, are also revered as carriers of profound wisdom. Scholars and practitioners of the arcane argue that these entities represent different facets of the human psyche and consciousness. Delving into their lore, one might find mirrors to one's own subconscious fears, desires, and ambitions, thus illuminating the darker corners of our minds.

Goetic Demons: Conjuring Ancient Spirits

Summoning the Goetic Demons requires careful preparation and a deep understanding of the esoteric. The rituals, steeped in ancient symbolism, seek to bring forth these spirits into our realm. Yet, even the most experienced occultists approach this process with due respect, recognizing the potent forces they are calling upon.

Goetic Demons: Encountering the Primal Forces of the Universe

Interactions with the Goetic Demons can catalyze profound personal transformations. Each encounter is a lesson, a challenge, or a test that pushes the boundaries of our understanding and endurance. These primal forces, in their raw and undiluted form, confront us with our deepest fears and highest aspirations, often compelling introspection and self-growth.

Goetic Demons: Exploring the Archetypes of Power and Wisdom

Goetic Demons embody both the enlightening and destructive aspects of power and wisdom. They are archetypes that encapsulate our struggle with these dualities, posing questions about morality, ambition, and the cost of knowledge. Engaging with these spirits allows us to grapple with these complex issues and can provide unique perspectives on navigating the intricacies of life.

Goetic Demons: Unveiling the Hidden Realms

Unveiling the world of Goetic Demons transports us to realms hitherto unknown, pulling back the veil that separates the physical and the metaphysical. These explorations not only shed light on the intricate, multidimensional fabric of existence but also challenge our preconceived notions about reality, expanding the horizons of our understanding.

Goetic Demons: The Mystical Art of Solomon 

King Solomon's wisdom and magical prowess have shaped the path of Western occult tradition. His influence, embodied in the Goetic catalogue of spirits, continues to reverberate through time. This legacy stands as a testament to our enduring fascination with the mystical and the unseen, and the eternal quest for knowledge that transcends the physical realm.

Goetic Demons: The Intricate World of Demonology 

Demonology, the study of demons and other supernatural entities, offers a unique vantage point to explore the complex relationship between humans and the unseen world. The study of Goetic Demons, in particular, illuminates our collective fears, desires, and aspirations, echoing the interplay between humanity and the supernatural that has characterized our history and mythology.

Goetic Demons: Deciphering the Language of Spirits 

Communicating with Goetic Demons requires mastery over a complex symbolic language of sigils, incantations, and ritualistic gestures. This language, arcane and mystifying, serves as a bridge between our world and theirs. To the uninitiated, it might seem incomprehensible, but to the learned, it opens the door to a realm of unparalleled spiritual experiences.

Goetic Demons: The Fine Line Between Darkness and Light

The narrative surrounding Goetic Demons blurs the traditional lines between good and evil, light and dark. Many are depicted as fallen angels, suggesting a dual nature that challenges binary moral categorizations. By acknowledging and engaging with these complexities, we are compelled to reassess our understanding of morality, moving beyond black-and-white notions to recognize the gray areas that define our reality.

Connect with your Goetic Demon

List of the Goetic Demons and the powers according ot the Ars Goetia

King Bael: Known as the first principal spirit of Goetia, Bael is said to grant the power of invisibility and wisdom.

Duke Agares: This spirit is said to teach all languages, finds runaways, and can cause earthquakes.

Prince Vassago: Vassago is known to declare the past, present, and future, and can also discover things lost or hidden.

Marquis Samigina: He is believed to teach liberal sciences and gives account of souls that died in sin.

President Marbas: This demon is said to give answers regarding hidden or secret things, causes and heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, and changes men into other shapes.

Duke Valefor: Valefor is a tempter to steal and governs 10 legions of spirits.

Marquis Amon: Amon can reconcile controversies between friends and give true answers concerning the future.

Duke Barbatos: He gives understanding of the voices of animals, says past things, and foresees the future.

King Paimon: Paimon can reveal all mysteries of the Earth, wind, and water, gives good familiars, and binds men to the conjurer's will.

President Buer: Buer teaches philosophy, logic, and the virtues of all herbs and plants. He can also heal diseases.

Duke Gusion: He can answer of all things, past, present and future, reconcile friendships, and provide honors and dignities.

Prince Sitri: Sitri causes men to love women and vice versa, and makes them show themselves naked.

King Beleth: Beleth can cause love between man and woman.

Marquis Leraje: Leraje can cause great battles and disputes, and make wounds and sores gangrenous or deadly.

Duke Eligos: Eligos discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet.

Duke Zepar: Zepar causes women to love men, and can make them barren.

Count/President Botis: Botis can reconcile friends and foes, and predict the future.

Duke Bathin: Bathin can transport men swiftly from one country to another, and knows the virtues of herbs and precious stones.

Duke Sallos: Sallos can cause love between the sexes.

King Purson: Purson can reveal hidden things, find treasures, and tell past, present and future.

Count/President Marax: Marax teaches astronomy and the knowledge of herbs and stones.

Count/Prince Ipos: Ipos reveals all things (past, present, future), can make men witty and valiant.

Duke Aim: Aim makes men witty, gives true answers to private matters, and can set cities on fire.

Marquis Naberius: Naberius makes men cunning in all arts, but especially in rhetoric. He also restores lost dignities and honors.

Count/President Glasya-Labolas: This demon can teach all arts and sciences, cause love of friends and foes, and make men invisible.

Duke Bune: Bune changes the place of the dead, makes men eloquent and wise, and gives true answers to their demands and riches.

Marquis/Count Ronove: Ronove teaches rhetoric, languages, and gives good and loyal servants and favor of friends and foes.

Duke Berith: Berith can tell things of the past, present and future. He can turn all metals into gold, give dignities and confirm them.

Duke Astaroth: Astaroth gives true answers of things past, present and future, and can discover all secrets.

Marquis Forneus: Forneus makes men well-liked and knowledgeable in rhetoric and languages.

President Foras: Foras can teach logic and ethics, find lost things, and discover treasures.

King Asmoday: Asmoday gives the ring of virtues, teaches arithmetic, geometry, and other handicrafts, answers all questions, makes men invisible, indicates the place of hidden treasures, and guards them.

Prince/President Gaap: Gaap can make men insensible or ignorant, teach philosophy and liberal sciences, cause love or hatred, deliver familiars from other magicians, teach how to consecrate things that belong to the dominion of Amaymon his king, give true answers concerning past, present and future, transport men swiftly from one nation to another, and make them invisible.

Count Furfur: Furfur creates love between a man and a woman, creates storms, tempests, thunder, lightning, and blasts, and teaches on secret and divine things.

Marquis Marchosias: Marchosias is a strong and excellent fighter and very reliable to the conjurer, but he is a liar if not kept in check.

Prince Stolas: Stolas teaches astronomy and is knowledgeable about herbs, plants, and precious stones.

Marquis Phenex: Phenex teaches all wonderful sciences, is an excellent poet, and is very obedient to the conjurer.

Count Halphas: Halphas builds towers and fills them with ammunition and weapons, an armorer of sorts.

President Malphas: Malphas builds houses, high towers and strongholds, throws down the buildings of the enemies, can destroy the enemies' desires or thoughts (and/or make them known to the conjurer) and all what they have done, gives good familiars.

Count Raum: Raum steals treasures out of kings' houses, carrying them where he wishes, and destroys cities and dignities of men.

Duke Focalor: Focalor has power over wind and sea, and can cause shipwrecks and death in a violent way.

Duke Vepar: Vepar governs the waters and guides armoured ships laden with ammunition and weapons; can make, if requested, the sea rough and stormy, and to appear full of ships.

Marquis Sabnock: Sabnock builds high towers, castles and cities, furnishing them with weapons, ammunition, etc., gives good familiars, and can afflict men for many days with wounds and with sores rotten and full of worms.

Marquis Shax: Shax takes away the sight, hearing and understanding of any person and steals money out of the houses of kings, carrying it back to the people.

King/Count Viné: Viné discovers hidden things, witches, and reveals the future, causes love and reconciles controversies between friends and foes.

Count Bifrons: Bifrons teaches sciences, can make one invisible, and can transport bodies from one place to another.

Duke Vual: Vual grants the love of women, causes friendship between friends and foes, and tells things past, present and to come.

President Haagenti: Haagenti makes men wise by instructing them in every subject, transmutes all metals into gold, and changes wine into water and water into wine.

Duke Crocell: Crocell can teach geometry and other liberal sciences, and can warm bodies of water.

Knight Furcas: Furcas teaches philosophy, astronomy, rhetoric, logic, chiromancy, and pyromancy.

King Balam: Balam gives perfect answers on things past, present, and to come, and can also make men invisible and witty.

Duke Alloces: Alloces gives good familiars, teaches astronomy and liberal arts, and can be summoned to bring forth answers about secrets.

President Caim: Caim gives men the understanding of birds' songs, the barking of dogs, and other noises, teaches grammar, logic, and rhetoric, reveals what the future holds, gives visions, and strengthens understanding.

Duke/Count Murmur: Murmur teaches philosophy, and can oblige the souls of the deceased to appear and answer questions.

Prince Orobas: Orobas gives dignities and prelacies, and the favor of friends and foes, gives truthful answers about the past, present, and future, and can secure the conjurer against any deceit from other spirits.

Duke Gremory: Gremory can discover hidden treasures and tell all things past, present, and future. He can also bring love and admiration of women.

President Ose: Ose makes men wise in all liberal sciences and gives true answers concerning divine and secret things; also brings insanity to any person the conjurer wishes, making them believe that they're a king or some sort of deity, or makes them run naked.

President Amy: Amy teaches astrology and the liberal sciences, gives good familiars, reveals treasures, and gives an excellent memory and understanding.

Marquis Orias: Orias makes men wise, teaches the virtues of the stars and the mansions thereof, also gives dignities, prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes, and can change a man into any shape.

Duke Vapula: Vapula teaches philosophy, mechanics, and sciences.

King/President Zagan: Zagan can make men witty, can also turn wine into water, water into wine, and blood into wine (and vice versa), turn metals into coins that are made with that metal (i.e., gold into a gold coin, copper into a copper coin, etc.), and turn a fool into a wise man.

President Valac: Valac gives true answers about hidden treasures, reveals where serpents can be seen, and delivers them harmless to the magician.

Marquis Andras: Andras can kill the conjurer, his assistants, or his foes, also teaches those who would kill him how to do so.

Duke Flauros: Flauros can destroy and burn those who the conjurer has targeted, speaks truthfully about the past, present and future, and can protect against demonic attack by giving true answers about all things.

Marquis Andrealphus: Andrealphus can teach Geometry and all things associated with measurements, can also turn a man into a bird.

Marquis Kimaris: Kimaris gives a good report of the fall of spirits, can discover hidden things, know things to come, and understand wars.

Duke Amdusias: Amdusias can make music sound in the air, but works best in matters linked to the earth.

King Belial: Belial distributes Presentations and Senatorships, causes favor of friends and foes, and gives excellent familiars.

Marquis Decarabia: Decarabia knows the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, can change birds into other shapes, often into mythical beings.

Prince Seere: Seere can go to any place on earth to accomplish the will of the conjurer, bring abundance, help in finding hidden treasures, and is not a demon of evil but good nature.

Duke Dantalion: Dantalion can teach any arts and sciences, and declare the secret counsel of anyone, for he knows the thoughts of all people and can change them at his will.

Count Andromalius: Andromalius is a great earl, appears in the form of a man holding a serpent in his hand. He can bring back both a thief and the goods which were stolen, punish all thieves and other wicked people, and discover hidden treasures, all evilness, and all dishonest dealing.

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Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

Terra Incognita school of magic

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